Thursday 13 June 2013

Term 2 Week 6

We stamped 70 stamps on the number 70.  We did it in groups of 10.
We put feathers and feet into our alphabet book.
In Religion we are talking about families.  We drew a picture of our fabulous families.
We have been reading non fiction books.  They are books that are about real things.
This week we learnt how to use the Paint program.  It was lots of fun!
We were doing our finger painting.
 The dentist came to visit us today.  We had to open our mouths very wide so they could peek inside.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Superstars

    You sure have been busy.
    Cannot wait to see your amazing assembly on Friday. I will be right up the front so I will have the best view.

    Good luck.
