Friday 23 August 2013

Term 3 Week 5

This week we have been learning about the letter k and the letter d. 
We used lipstick to put kisses in our alphabet book.  When Mrs N saw us she thought we must have all been eating some kind of red food!

 We made doors in our alphabet book that really open.  I wonder what is hiding behind the door?

The theme for book week was 'Reading across the Universe' so we made rockets zooming across the universe and put a picture of ourselves reading a book we like in the rocket.  It looks like we really are reading across the universe!

We have been talking about the moon.  We looked at some pictures of the moon and wondered what all the dark spots were.  We used some white playdough and golf balls and worked out that the dark spots might be craters, or big holes in the moon.


We are planning a pretend trip to the moon so we have been talking about things we need and things we want.  Needs are things we must have to live.  Wants are things we would like to have but don't need. Miss R wants some chocolate but she certainly doesn't need it!  Here are some needs and wants of an astronaut.


 During our computer time we have been learning how to get on to the internet, find our class page and play games.  This week we learnt a new game.  It is called Teach your Monster to Read.  We got to design our own monsters and now we are helping them learn letters and sounds.  There is a link to the this game on our symbaloo page which  is in the box on the top right of our blog.
Enjoying a boogie on a beautiful sunny day.



Wednesday 21 August 2013

Book Week

What a fantastic day we had with our book parade!  All the children looked fantastic!  I couldn't pick just a few to post on the blog so I am doing a special post so I show you all the beautiful book characters.  See if you can guess what book they are from.

Please bear with me as I am having trouble uploading photos at the moment.  I will keep trying until I get them all up so stay tuned!







Thursday 15 August 2013

Term 3 Week 4

 This week we have been learning about the letter e.  We have to make sure we listen carefully because e and i's sounds sound nearly the same.
We covered our e with eggshells and made an envelope to go in our alphabet books.  We have even put a letter inside our envelope so we can read it.
We have been talking about the planet we live on.  Our planet is called Earth.  We created a mini Earth to go on our space wall.

We tipped all our beautiful stuff into the middle of the floor so we could decide what to do with it.
We sorted it into groups so it would be easier to find things we need.  We learnt that when we sort things into groups we need to have something the same about all the things in the group.  We had long groups, hard groups, round groups, soft groups and sparkly groups just to name a few!

We will now be able to use these to create things.  For the first couple of weeks we will have to create without taking anything home.  We can remember our creation by taking a photo of it or drawing a picture of it.
Mr DF decided to create an alien and then make a story about it using the mystory app.
Miss GB took a picture of her funny crab.

We are creating a book on the ipad using the mystory app to show Captain Red what we have learnt about space.  When she comes back she will be able to read our books and check we have learnt everything we need to become astronauts.

This week we had a special celebration down at the Church.  We celebrated the Assumption of Mary. This is when Mary went up into heaven body and soul to be with God and Jesus and to help them look after us.


Monday 12 August 2013

Term 3 Week 3

This week we found the letter r.
 We covered our r with rainbow coloured rice.  It looked very pretty.

We are busy building a rocket inside our space corner so we can blast off into space.  The astronauts are already ready to go!

 For our 100th day of school we had to collect 100 beautiful things.  This week we tipped them all out and shared some of the things we found.  There is a lot of stuff!!!!  We will have to decide what we are going to do with it all next week.

On our excursion to Remida we made aliens from the junk materials.  This week we decided to share some information about our aliens.  Wow, can these pre primaries write.  So many people are starting to hear some of the sounds in words and are not just writing random letters anymore.  Fantastic work!  I am feeling very proud of you all!

We have been talking about what planet we live on.  Our planet is called Earth and it is a great place to live filled with lots of amazing and wonderful things.
We used Google earth to see what our planet looks like from space and we noticed lots of blue, green and brown.  We made our own Earths from strips of blue and green cardboard.  We covered the strips with some of the things you might find on our Earth.