Thursday 1 August 2013

100th Day of School

Our 100th day of school was such a huge day that I have decided it deserves its own post.

We had a fantastic day and did lots of 100 type activities.

We blew up 100 balloons, made 100 hats, made 100 glasses, stamped 100 times, put 100 eyes on an alien, put 100 decorations on a butterfly, put 100 ingredients on a pizza, drew what we would buy if we had $100, drew what we wish we had 100 of, drew what we hope we never see 100 of and finished off by licking a lollipop 100 times!  What a busy day!  And that is not including our party lunch where I am sure some of the children ate 100 things!  Thank you to all the parents who sent in food to help us celebrate this exciting day.



1 comment:

  1. Wow congratulations class on counting to 100 what a awesome idea from your teacher and wonderful helpers it looks like a fun day ! Love Charlotte c mummy
