Thursday 21 February 2013

Term 1 Week 3

We have started signing in when we come to school.  This helps us practice writing our name. 

 We have been learning about questions and statements. We played a game where we had to ask lots of questions to guess what was on our head.

 This game is called tic tac toe.  We use it to practice reading and making numbers.

We are making a mini me.  We talked about what colour our eyes and our hair is.  Then we used wool, material and textas to make the body look just like us. 


These boys are very busy building a castle. 

 These girls are busy painting pictures of rainbows, castles and beaches.

 We practiced writing our numbers by writing them on each others backs.  It was a very tickly way to learn our numbers.

We have been starting to count up to 20.  Here are some great counters who are counting lots of things.


  1. Hi Pre Primary

    Wow you are learning so much and it looks like so much fun! I can't wait to see what you do next week!

    Have a great week everyone from Wesley's Mum xx

  2. Good morning Pre Primary

    I just love your blog! My goodness, you all are having so much fun and are learning so much too! You are all doing some really wonderful work, I especially love the pictures of you all pretending to be knights, dragons, princesses, queens and witches. What an amazing activity with Zero the Hero too.
    Very interesting!! I also love your picture R, was that a question or a statement?
    Have a wonderful day PP, I cant wait to see what you are all up to next week.

    Love Mrs B, R's Mummy. xxxx.
